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Honoring Black Innovators: Unveiling Hidden Histories & Embracing Spiritual Wholeness

February 19, 2024 Shaniqua Season 2 Episode 11
Honoring Black Innovators: Unveiling Hidden Histories & Embracing Spiritual Wholeness
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Honoring Black Innovators: Unveiling Hidden Histories & Embracing Spiritual Wholeness
Feb 19, 2024 Season 2 Episode 11

Discover the unsung heroes of innovation as we pay homage to Black Excellence in an episode that's as enlightening as it is celebratory. With each story of a Black inventor, from the creator of the air conditioning unit to the architect of the traffic light, we're reminded that our modern lives are deeply intertwined with these trailblazing legacies. While our textbooks may have skipped over these crucial contributions, we're here to fill in the gaps, offering an eye-opening look at the everyday ingenuity brought to us by brilliant Black minds. Prepare to be inspired by tales of perseverance and creativity that have, without a doubt, paved the way for progress in countless aspects of our daily existence.

Journey with me into the realms of spiritual fulfillment and the quest for inner peace that transcends all religious boundaries. In this heart-to-heart, we unravel the virtues of forming a genuine connection with God, examining how this bond elevates the quality of our lives far beyond material riches. We'll confront the transformative power of forgiveness, the release of emotional burdens, and the strength in maintaining serenity amid life's tumult. As we traverse these personal revelations and spiritual insights, our conversation promises to guide you towards a deeper understanding of joy, grace, and the unshakable peace that comes from living authentically.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Discover the unsung heroes of innovation as we pay homage to Black Excellence in an episode that's as enlightening as it is celebratory. With each story of a Black inventor, from the creator of the air conditioning unit to the architect of the traffic light, we're reminded that our modern lives are deeply intertwined with these trailblazing legacies. While our textbooks may have skipped over these crucial contributions, we're here to fill in the gaps, offering an eye-opening look at the everyday ingenuity brought to us by brilliant Black minds. Prepare to be inspired by tales of perseverance and creativity that have, without a doubt, paved the way for progress in countless aspects of our daily existence.

Journey with me into the realms of spiritual fulfillment and the quest for inner peace that transcends all religious boundaries. In this heart-to-heart, we unravel the virtues of forming a genuine connection with God, examining how this bond elevates the quality of our lives far beyond material riches. We'll confront the transformative power of forgiveness, the release of emotional burdens, and the strength in maintaining serenity amid life's tumult. As we traverse these personal revelations and spiritual insights, our conversation promises to guide you towards a deeper understanding of joy, grace, and the unshakable peace that comes from living authentically.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Free Concepts Unmask, where we motivate, educate and elevate. I am your host, shaniqua. Thank you so much for tuning in and listening to all my new listeners. Definitely go back to the introduction and listen to the introduction when I first started. I think we're about probably 20-something episodes in right now, but I thank you guys for listening and sharing free concepts with others. I want to start off with our prayer and then I'm going to jump right into it.

Speaker 1:

Guys, father, god, in the name of Jesus, god, I come to you, lord, and I say thank you, god. Thank you, god, for all that you have done and all that you're doing in our lives. God, god, we thank you for the lessons that are blessed. God, oh God, we thank you for your grace, your mercy. We thank you, god, for forgiveness and, most of all, we thank you for your love. God, I ask that the people that are listening, god, that you open their hearts, open their minds, to be able to receive whatever word it is that you are wanting to give to them, to be able to transform them into who you need for them to be for your purpose. Lord, oh God, we thank you, we lift you up with the highest praise, hallelujah, god, hallelujah, amen, amen. So, hey guys, I hope everybody is doing so wonderful and so great right now. I know life be life and the struggle is real, but at the end of the day, know that after the rain, the sun will shine, no matter what it is that you're going through, no matter what it is that you feel, whether it's up or down, and you feel like your life is just upside down Sometimes just know that God has a plan that is His will, not ours, but His will for our lives. That when one door closes, another one's going to open. Always remember to have hope, faith and trust in God, not man.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this is what this is us celebrating Black History Month. Okay, so I wanted to talk about Black Excellence. Black Excellence there's been so much that we've contributed here and so much that we've done. No matter where you put us in whether it's sports, entertainment, the health field, whatever it is we always know how to just show up and show out. Okay, I wanted to talk about Black Inventors, the Black Inventions. Okay, now, it's a long list. I was surprised, honestly, when I looked at this list, because growing up in school, we only talked about Martin Luther King, frederick Douglass, rosa Parks. You know people like that that have paved the way. But I wanted to talk about our Black Inventors. Okay, now, this list is long so I'm not going to probably go into the names, but I'm just going to go into the products of what they have invented, okay, so first on the list is air conditioning unit. Now, honey, let me tell you, we need that air conditioning, especially in the summertime, so we are very grateful for the air conditioning unit.

Speaker 1:

Okay, the Almanac. Auto Cut-Off Switch, auto Fishing Device. Baby Buggy oh, child, we need that too. Biscuit Cutter that's very helpful. Blood Plasma Bag Now, that's extremely important. To have.

Speaker 1:

Chamber Commode I looked that up. Y'all. Did you know that that's a commode that is kind of like a portable party or something, but you know anyway. Okay, I'm moving right along. Closed Dryer, curtain, rod, curtain, rod Support, doorknob, girl, y'all know y'all can't open that door without that door knob. The door, stop. Egg Beater, electric lamp bulb, elevator Now the elevator.

Speaker 1:

Let me say this now, I'm loving the elevator cause, let me tell you, I am not the person to walk up and down the stairs. My elevator was out for some hours and it would only go down, not up. Child. When I tell you I had to go up those flight stairs now I'm on the eighth floor. Now, it was two sets of stairs to get to the first floor, okay, and then the second floor, two sets of stairs. When I tell you about the time I got to that fourth floor, I was breathing hard, my thighs was crying, you know, I mean it was locking up on me, okay, I had to make three different trips that day. Actually, that was Valentine's Day. I had to make those three trips. So, thank you, black and Venus for the elevator.

Speaker 1:

Eye protector, fire escape ladder okay, we need that, honey. When it's a fire, we need to be able to escape. Fire extinguisher okay now. Folding bed, folding chair, fountain, pen, furniture, caster, gas mask, golf tee, guitar okay, now, not the guitar, okay. Hairbrush, hand stamp, ice cream scoop okay, now, I like the ice cream scoop, though. Insect destroyer, gun, iron and board, key chain, lantern, lawn sprinkler, lemon squeezer, lock, lubricating cup, lunch pail, mailbox, mop, peanut butter pencil sharpener, record player, arm, rolling pin, shampoo, head rest, spark plug, stethoscope, straightening comb, street sweeper, phone transmitter, thermostat control thermostat control, I'm sorry. And traffic light. Now let's show how we need that traffic light, because we got, we got. You know, people got to stay in line and in order with that traffic light, okay, because if not we crash all over the place Tricycle and so much more. I'm just gonna stop there Now. Let's go back to the guitar now.

Speaker 1:

This whole thing with the whole Beyonce and the country music. Now we know that black people it originated, country music with black people. Okay, a lot of things, you know. Black people have paved the way this country was built off of blood, sweat and tears of black people and it's really sad that we don't get credit. You know and my ancestors you know, I mean the same thing. You know, we don't get credit for certain things that we have done in this country and I think that's sad because we've really had a big contribution to the United States of America as well as other places as well. But I just want us to get better, you know, at loving ourselves, loving who we are, loving our culture, and not being afraid to be who we are.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times we shy away from being black. You do have people sometimes they don't want to, you know own up to their blackness. You know they may say, oh well, I'm only 2% black, or you know and kind of push that to the side and we have to be exactly who got created us to be and not shy away from it because society will make you feel like you know some, for some people I know me I'm proud, but you know some people, you know they struggle with that because of how society has treated when I even just society. But you know, other races have treated black people and it's sad because we are people of excellence. You know it's so much that we have done, it's so much that we've created, there's so much that we give to the world and I want people to remain encouraged by just knowing who you are. Doesn't matter how your hair looks, it doesn't matter. You know, I love people being their own individual selves. I love our culture. I love different cultures as well, but I mean we are definitely black excellence and I want us to all get along and be better to one another.

Speaker 1:

You know, when we see our sisters and brothers in the streets, it shouldn't be any negativity, it shouldn't be any hate, it should be love. When we, you know we get enough from other races you know what I'm saying other negativity and torn down and and beat down. We need to uplift one another when we see each other. You know, hey, my sister, hey my brother, what's going on? How you doing? You know, treat them with love kindness, treat everybody with loving kindness. But I'm just saying this for our people because I'll see, sometimes I've seen, you know, in a store where this lady was fussing at this cashier and calling her stupid and dumb and slow and all of these other things, and I'm like that's your sister. You know I'm saying like why are you talking to her like that? And we have to stop beating each other down and beating each other up. We got enough of that in the world. It's already beating us up. You know what I'm saying. So we need to stick together and love on one another, appreciate one another, be kind to aim. It kind of does not cost anything. Be kind to one another, respect one another most of all.

Speaker 1:

You know, I really believe that there's a lot of karma in this world because of the blood that has been shed, it from black people. You know a lot of the killings, a lot of the abuse, a lot of. You know hangings and things. You know the tragedies that had happened and I think that the karma right now, if, if, if white people would clean up this karma that's going on right now and take accountability for what did happen and what's happening as well, and make a stand and say you know what, yeah, you know this is what happened. We're not proud of it, but let's move forward and fix it somehow. You know what I mean. Whatever that is, you know, help maybe black people with, with their businesses and reparations, or whatever it may be. But you have to make a difference and say you know what. We're gonna take accountability. We apologize for what happened. You know what I mean and it shouldn't have never happened. And now we're gonna move forward and we're not gonna have racism anymore. You know, that would be lovely, wouldn't it? That would just be. That would be so lovely if we could do that and work together, because really we're stronger together and I really believe that. Guys, you know, it's just so amazing to me how we have overcome so much adversity and so many of the obstacles that have come our way and things that tried to block us. But, god, you know, you definitely.

Speaker 1:

I will say this time and time again I would not be here if it wasn't for God. And I'm not talking about religion, I'm talking about having a relationship with God, your Creator. You know what I mean and it's really important to understand what your relationship is and where it lies with God, because you can search the world for love and look for love in all the wrong places and, you know, trying to find something that's going to fill up that emptiness inside of you or that void that you feel. It's a lot of people out here. They have a whole lot of money and they're still sad and unhappy and depressed, you know, and some people are like, wow, man, you got all this money, you got these cars and these houses. Why are you depressed or why are you not happy? And that tells you right there, it's not about money, it's not about material, it's about the quality of life. It's not about how many friends you have, but it's about the quality of life. The quality of life is loving on one another, serving one another, being good to one another. That's what's important.

Speaker 1:

When I give back, I have a fulfillment so full on the inside. Enjoy on the inside for blessing someone else. That's what it's about Us being a blessing, and when we're a blessing, god is a blessing to us. If we bless somebody, it might not be that same person that blesses us back, but best believe somebody else is going to bless you. God can send somebody away that's going to bless you because you did it from your heart. Whatever it is, you gave from your heart. So we have to be more givers and not takers.

Speaker 1:

And if somebody gives to you, learn how to receive it, because if you are a giver, you don't want to make someone feel a certain way by trying to give to you. And I used to be like that, very prideful. I could be a giver and give and donate and help people. But when it came my turn, with somebody wanting to help me, oh, no, no, no, I'm okay, I'm okay, I don't need it, I'm fine. No, receive it, even a compliment. I used to be like would somebody give me a compliment? Oh, I like your hair too, or I like this too, and I find something about them to compliment them back. No, my mentor one time said receive it, just receive it. Receive the compliment. Learn how to receive it. Don't shake it off. Say thank you, you know, and take it.

Speaker 1:

So we have to get better as a people. You know we have such great minds, so intelligent, so many ideas. We have so many gifts and skills and God has already equipped us with what we need to be able to fulfill our purpose. We have to just know that it lies within us. So, no matter what it looks like, guys, no matter. You know times.

Speaker 1:

You get sad, you get depressed. You know it's okay to have a moment and cry it all out and let it go and release it, because when you cry, you're watering your garden. Look at it like that. You have to water your garden and it's a cleansing. You can't hold all of that stuff because I said before, this ease will cause disease. All of that strife and anger and bitterness that you're holding on the inside is going to turn into disease. Because you're holding all of that resentment and you're mad and angry for years and holding all of that stuff, being mad at something that people gone on about their lives that did hurt you and you're still holding on to it. And they still got that same power over you and control over you for something that they did to you 10, 20 years ago and you're still holding on to it. And now you can't function and have healthy relationships and move forward in a healthy way because you are still holding on to all that mess. You got to let it go because, if not, it's going to call strokes, heart attacks, cancers, tumors, aneurysms and so much more. So this ease will definitely cause disease in your body if you don't let it go. You have to learn to forgive and let it go. You're forgiven for yourself because you need to be at peace within yourself. You got to let those things go.

Speaker 1:

It ain't none of your business how somebody else feels about you If they don't like you and they got an attitude and you know you didn't until let it go. Some people are dealing with their own demons. A lot of people try to have power trips and controlling you and control, trying to be in control all the time, because they ain't got no control at home, because they dealing with whatever they're dealing with Now. That's not giving them a pass to be rude or disrespectful to you, but at the end of the day, when you know you ain't did something to somebody and they got an attitude and trying to treat you a certain way, you sometimes you've got to brush that thing off and don't match their energy Because you get out a character and they didn't took you out a character and got controlling power over you to change your whole attitude. For that day you mad and pissed off the whole day and it messed and ruined your day. You can't sleep at night, you can't eat, you can't function because you're still thinking about what they said and so forth. Let that stuff go. Let it go.

Speaker 1:

Trust me, I used to be that person where I react to something that you say to me, because now I'm about to tear you down because you hurt me. Now I'm gonna hurt you. It's being petty and you taking me out a character, and then I don't want to tear you down. I'm here to build you up. That doesn't make me feel good. That because you came at me now I tore you down no, that's just showing. I'm showing that I'm just as ignorant as you are. You know, and I'm not gonna. I'm not going below and to that level I'm not. I'm not gonna do that anymore.

Speaker 1:

So you have to make a choice in life. That that's something that you don't want to do. You want to either build people up or you want to tear them down. We don't need to be a part, you know, of a community where we tearing each other down. We need to start uplifting and building each other up so that we can be able to manifest whatever it is God needs us to do and whatever our purpose is. But we're holding ourselves back because we're going through the same cycle over and over and over, of the mess, the drama, the toxicity, and we need to let all of that negativity go so that we can live peaceful, joyful lives. Now, if you like the mess and the drama, then hey, that's on you. But at the end of the day, I don't want the drama, I don't want the mess, no more. I want to be at peace in my life. I'm not going back and forth with you to prove a point or prove anything, or that I'm smarter than you or I can, you know, come up with better words than you to tell you that no, I'm not doing that. That's not what I'm here for. I'm here to motivate, educate and elevate. That's what I'm here for To be a blessing. So, you know, just be mindful.

Speaker 1:

When people you know are upset and mad Generally, it's not that they're mad with you, they're mad with their own lives, you know. And so just have compassion and empathy for people, because you never know, they might be upset. Maybe they found out that they have canceled, or maybe they lost their parent or, you know, their child or something or something that they're going through and dealing with and they really don't know how to deal with it. And so a lot of times when we upset and mad, we direct our anger, you know, at the wrong person, the person that didn't even hurt us, you know. And so we, you know, I think most of us, are guilty of doing that. You know, sometimes, when you mad at your child's father, you know you end up taking it out on the child, or you end up taking it out, you know, if you're mad with your spouse, you take it out on somebody else.

Speaker 1:

So I think you know most of us are guilty of that and we have to be able to um, we got to check ourselves every once in a while. You know, check our spirit, because, at the end of the day, our flesh is fighting our spirit, our flesh wants to stay, but our spirit is trying to, uh, evict the flesh so that we can move forward, and that flesh wants to stay, and we got to kick that flesh about it there. You know what I'm saying, because your flesh will have you doing some crazy stuff, stuff that you know, that you, you know like you know better, and you'll do it anyway because that's what you think you want at the time and that's your flesh speaking. But your spirit is like I don't think we should do that, I don't think that's a good idea. And then we go and do it anyway, and then we want to blame God, we want to blame everybody else. We want, but we got to take accountability for our own actions and our own choices in life, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I just wanted to put that out there and I want to celebrate us Black Excellence. You know, we have, like I said, we are amazing, so amazing. And um, I just want you to know that you are amazing, you are great, you are wonderful, you are intelligent, you are magnificent. You have so much potential. Stop holding back, stop procrastinating. If you have goals and dreams, go for those goals and dreams. Start small, start writing things down of what it is that you want to do. You know, just take that first step and God will definitely take you to the rest of the way, but you got to start.

Speaker 1:

So, my entrepreneurs out there, keep doing. You, keep striving. You know, for your business or whatever it is that you're gifted with, whatever you feel God is is Tugging on you and trying to get you to do listen, sit there and listen and, like I said, have a journal or a notebook and just write everything down. That it is that you want to do now. You can't maybe do because you got a lot of gifts, might can't do everything at once, but whatever that major gift is in your life that you have that you really gifted at and really passionate about, something that that you're so passionate about, you don't even care about getting paid because you just enjoy doing it, you just love to do it. Whatever that is for you, that's your purpose. So I want you to walk in your purpose. I want you to be the best version of you you can be.

Speaker 1:

Don't allow any stress and and and all this mess and chaotic world to come against you and bring you down. At the end of the day, most things that we go through life. It's a lesson, Something that God needs to teach us, you know. So just take the lesson and learn it so you don't have to repeat the same class over and over and over again. You know, go ahead and just receive whatever God is trying to show you. Submit and surrender to the process, the sooner that you submit and surrender to that thing and stop fighting against it, trust me, you will get that much closer to your destiny, that much closer to your purpose. So I want to thank you guys so much. If you have any questions, if you have any comments, so if you just want to say, hey, girl, make sure you go to free concepts Podcasts at gmailcom again, that's free concepts with ans podcast at gmailcom.

Speaker 1:

Know that I love you, always praying for you. I want the best for you. You know, look at the cup halfway full and not empty. Stop stressing, stop complaining about the things that you're going through. Be grateful for where you are. Know that you are exactly where you need to be, no matter what that is or what it looks like. Just know that you are exactly where God needs you to be. There's no mistakes. They got is trying to teach you something within this moment, within this season. There's a reason for the season. Just know that I Love you so much. I wish you the best and definitely share, subscribe and I will see you next week. Have a wonderful, wonderful week and I will see you next week. Bye.

Celebrating Black Excellence and Contributions
Finding Peace and Fulfillment Through God