Free Concepts

The Reason for the Season: Christmas Time

December 25, 2023 Shaniqua
The Reason for the Season: Christmas Time
Free Concepts
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Free Concepts
The Reason for the Season: Christmas Time
Dec 25, 2023

I walked away from everything once - my marriage, my home, my job - to find peace and authenticity in life. Join me, Shaniqua, on Free Concepts on Mask as I share a personal reflection on life beyond material gifts, focusing on the love, unity, and moments of joy that truly define the Christmas spirit. This episode is a candid exploration of the paths we choose and the courage it takes to align with God's purpose, a message especially poignant during the festive season.

This heartwarming session isn't just about sharing stories; it's an invitation to recognize that your current situation is just a chapter, not the story's end. We discuss how life's hurdles can be a stepping stone to a breakthrough, and I extend hope and gratitude for the gift of life and the divine orchestration of relationships. Whether with family or those special individuals who enter our lives unexpectedly, these are the connections that weave the fabric of our existence. Tune in for a journey of empowerment and a reminder to cherish your intrinsic worth as we celebrate this Christmas together.

Show Notes Transcript

I walked away from everything once - my marriage, my home, my job - to find peace and authenticity in life. Join me, Shaniqua, on Free Concepts on Mask as I share a personal reflection on life beyond material gifts, focusing on the love, unity, and moments of joy that truly define the Christmas spirit. This episode is a candid exploration of the paths we choose and the courage it takes to align with God's purpose, a message especially poignant during the festive season.

This heartwarming session isn't just about sharing stories; it's an invitation to recognize that your current situation is just a chapter, not the story's end. We discuss how life's hurdles can be a stepping stone to a breakthrough, and I extend hope and gratitude for the gift of life and the divine orchestration of relationships. Whether with family or those special individuals who enter our lives unexpectedly, these are the connections that weave the fabric of our existence. Tune in for a journey of empowerment and a reminder to cherish your intrinsic worth as we celebrate this Christmas together.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Free Concepts everyone. Free Concepts on Mask, where we motivate, educate and elevate. I am your host, shaniqua. Thank you so much for joining and tuning in. It's such a blessing. Merry Christmas to everyone.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna go ahead and start off with my prayer and ask God to give me the words to speak Probably got it. In the name of Jesus, god. I thank you, lord. I thank you God for all things. I thank you, god for seeing another Christmas. God, some people didn't make you God, but we made it, lord, and I thank you, god for the people that are listening. I ask that you have them to have an open heart, open minds, to be able to listen and receive whatever it is that you have for them. God, thank you for all that you've given us each and every day Breath, life and Jesus' name. We pray Amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Guys, listen, merry Christmas. I know, when I think about Christmas, I think about the times when I was a little girl and I used to perform for my family members, doing either Michael Jackson or Prince or something, just entertaining around the holiday and receiving gifts and giving gifts. But most of all, I just remember the moments of joy and laughter with family and friends and loved ones. So, guys, let me tell you, if you do not have, say, a mom or a dad, just know that God places people in our lives for a reason and for a season. Sometimes we have strangers that treat us better than our own family members, and if we don't have a mom, god will replace them with a godmother or someone in your life to not take the place of that loved one, but to kind of fill in. So thank God for the feelings. You know, a lot of times people get so carried away and consumed with buying things, materialistic things. But life is not about things material, because at the end of the day you can't take those things with you. You go six feet under. That's it, you know. But what life is really about is the relationships, the love that we share, the unity that we share, empathy, compassion for one another and loving people for right where they are. I'm just grateful, guys, to be able to see another holiday.

Speaker 1:

Two years ago I was homeless and I'd walked away from everything my marriage, my home, my state, my job, everything just so that I could have peace of mind. And a lot of times we go through life just trying to figure out why we're here and what God's plan is for us. And in that moment of my marriage ending, I walked away with wanting more of me. Not wanting what other people wanted of me or what other people expected of me, but I just wanted to be me, free to be me, not trying to shrink myself to be what anybody else wanted me to be for them, but just to be me, who God created me to be to my core, to be that person that God has purpose for, and not trying to change into something that I wasn't changing, into what the world, the hurts, the disappointments and things that had hardened me. I wanted to be free to just be me, and so I've learned a valuable lesson over the years that, no matter what it looks like, no matter what it feels like, the God is doing something within us and we just have to trust the process, submit and surrender to whatever it is, no matter.

Speaker 1:

You know we don't understand sometimes what our future looks like. Sometimes we think that this is it for us, like okay, I'm supposed to just be married and this is it, you know, and kind of give up on your goals and your dreams, but just know that where you are right now is not the end. It's only the beginning, the beginning of what God truly has in store for you in your life. So don't give up, don't give in. Just go ahead and stand tall and know that your breakthrough is right around the corner. Know that God loves you, that I love you, and I want all of you to have a very merry Christmas.

Speaker 1:

It's not too much other than to say for me to say other than I just want you guys to be blessed and know the value of you. Know that you are worthy, you are enough, no matter what anybody tells you, it's okay to be unique, it's okay to be different, it's okay to shine bright, to know that God has purpose for your life. That's why you're here, that's why you even listening right now. That means that you woke up today to another day to experience life. Whatever the lesson is, whatever the test is, know that you are up for the challenge. I want to say God bless you all.

Speaker 1:

Enjoy your holiday and know that, no matter what it is that you're faced with, that you are definitely, definitely covered with the blood of Jesus and know that God is with you at all times. Open up your heart and receive Him and know that everything will be okay with Him, and having a relationship with Him not church, not anything else, but just having a true relationship with God. If you don't have hope, then you don't have anything. Hold on to that hope, hold on to that love. Open yourself again to the possibilities, be open to possibilities of life. It's a beautiful thing and it's all in what you make it. So enjoy your day and again, I am your host, shaniqua. Thank you so much for listening and supporting Free Concepts Unmask. If you want to go ahead and send me an email, any suggestions or any comments, send it to freconceptspodcastscom. And thank you so much. Have a wonderful, blessed day and week.