Free Concepts

Unraveling the Web of Distractions: Embrace Unity & Individuality

December 04, 2023 Shaniqua Season 2 Episode 3
Unraveling the Web of Distractions: Embrace Unity & Individuality
Free Concepts
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Unraveling the Web of Distractions: Embrace Unity & Individuality
Dec 04, 2023 Season 2 Episode 3

Are you constantly bombarded by media and social media distractions? Let's pause, take a deep breath, and focus on what truly matters. This episode, guided by your host Shaniqua, is a wake-up call to stay steadfast in the face of all the noise. We'll explore how these distractions divert us from crucial concerns like our health and economy and dissect the harmful effects of certain foods and products on our wellbeing. Want to find genuine substance in relationships, rather than chasing after fleeting, materialistic gains? You're in the right place.

Ever felt boxed in by stereotypes? We believe it's time to celebrate our individuality and embrace unity amidst our differences. Join us as we delve into the profound concept of karma, and how our actions inevitably echo back to us. Ever thought rejection could be a form of protection? We'll unravel this intriguing perspective. And for those ready to dive a little deeper into self-discovery, we've got a Shadow Work Journal giveaway that you definitely don't want to miss out on. As we wrap up, we send out warm holiday wishes to all our listeners, your support means the world to us. Stay tuned for next week, where we'll continue to unmask, motivate, educate, and elevate.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Are you constantly bombarded by media and social media distractions? Let's pause, take a deep breath, and focus on what truly matters. This episode, guided by your host Shaniqua, is a wake-up call to stay steadfast in the face of all the noise. We'll explore how these distractions divert us from crucial concerns like our health and economy and dissect the harmful effects of certain foods and products on our wellbeing. Want to find genuine substance in relationships, rather than chasing after fleeting, materialistic gains? You're in the right place.

Ever felt boxed in by stereotypes? We believe it's time to celebrate our individuality and embrace unity amidst our differences. Join us as we delve into the profound concept of karma, and how our actions inevitably echo back to us. Ever thought rejection could be a form of protection? We'll unravel this intriguing perspective. And for those ready to dive a little deeper into self-discovery, we've got a Shadow Work Journal giveaway that you definitely don't want to miss out on. As we wrap up, we send out warm holiday wishes to all our listeners, your support means the world to us. Stay tuned for next week, where we'll continue to unmask, motivate, educate, and elevate.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Free Concepts everyone. I am your host, shaniqua, and here on Free Concepts, not only do we unmask, but we motivate, educate and elevate. Thank you so much for listening. I'm so grateful for your support and your love and your likes and subscribing. So so grateful for you. Before we hop into our topic, I'm gonna go ahead and start us off with prayer, because we got some stuff to talk about.

Speaker 1:

Father God, in the name of Jesus, god, I come to you, lord, and I say thank you God, thank you, god, for all that you've done, all that you're about to do. God, I'm so grateful, I'm so blessed and I feel so honored, god, to be able to speak to your people. God, god, give me the words to say. God, help me, father God, to be able to get your point across that it touches lives. God, to be able to change lives for the good. God, I ask that you encourage them through words of wisdom and knowledge, whatever it is that you need me to speak, god, speak through me. Have them to have an open heart and an open mind. In Jesus' name, I pray. God, bless me and bless your word and bless your people. Peace In Jesus' name. I pray, amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

Listen, guys, I wanna hop on in to it, honey. Let me tell you it's my now pluck my nerve, okay. So listen, men and women, black people and white people, do you understand that? This is a deflection? The media is trying to distract you, okay, just wanted you to know that, because we have a lot of men that are really upsetting in their feelings about women, okay, and how they're carrying themselves. And you got a lot of women out here. I'm gonna say females and I'm gonna say males, cause you got a lot of females out here that's talking about oh, you gotta pay my bills before you can talk to me and if I'm gonna give you my time, you need to pay my bills and things like that. Like you know that ignorance. So this is the thing you need to pay your own bills.

Speaker 1:

Okay, men, stop bashing these women talking about whole day out here cheating. You know, I'm gonna pray for y'all innocent men out here, you hardworking men that's getting cheated on. Well, guess what? Y'all cheated first, you know. I mean, come on, like everybody cheats. We're not gonna sit here and act like men, you know, and women don't cheat. Both cheat. Now, statistically, men cheat more. Okay, but we not gonna go there. We just gonna say the individual, okay.

Speaker 1:

And so the media has you. Social media has you distracted and they have teamed you against your women and your men. And when I say black people and white people, okay, honey, they have distracted you as well, because they pinch you against each other, trying to divide us all. So, as long as we stay focused on that mess and that division and all of that, you know, long as they keep us busy and we don't know the laws that are being changed and things that is going on and they had something called a 2025, I don't know overhaul child, I don't know At the end of the day, and they putting stuff in the food and you know, nobody's really understanding what's really in our cereals and how it can harm our bodies.

Speaker 1:

And you know They've been trying to cure cancer supposedly for so long and at the end of the day, they got the very thing that's posed. You know, I mean it cause cancer. And cereals and stuff it ain't just cigarettes, y'all listen our foods as well, so and even stuff that we put on our bodies. You know it's anyway. So they're trying to distract us, to try to take us away from the real Subject at hand, which is, you know, the economy. You know, trying to get rid of the middle class, trying to Take us, you know, for foods basically, and we got foods. That's falling forward. You know what I'm saying. They really distracted out here on social media, you know Getting. You know, thinking they cute and stuff, or whatever you you cute, but at the end of the day, you know, do you have substance? You know, can you stimulate my mind, can you stimulate someone's mind and have, you know, real deep conversations about real topics Nobody cares really about. You know you shaking your booty and what kind of car you drive and all of that you know. Um, because at the end of the day, this is how I've always been. I Worked again 40, some jobs. Now I'm gonna keep throwing that out there, just so y'all know I'm a hard-working woman, okay, but anyway, I would take care of myself and my children to working two and three jobs, not dependent on social service, not dependent on no man, no woman, nobody. Okay, I'm gonna take care of my children because this is my responsibility.

Speaker 1:

Now, if I date someone, it would be a person of that would be of quality. It would be someone that would have some type of substance about themselves. They love the Lord, kind-hearted, good person, treat my children well, things like that. You know, even before I had kids, you know, just Liking that person for who. They were Personality, wise, and things like that, because all of them won't keep nail. Okay, they had nice personalities. So but yeah, I wasn't trying to gain anything or get anything.

Speaker 1:

I had a friend of mine one time. She was like I Told I met someone. You know, he was really nice in this dinner there. She was like, oh, okay, girl, she didn't know. A little materialistic. She was like would you meet him? I said on the bus. She said like On the bus, bus. Like you had them on the bus, like you can ride the bus by yourself. Girl, you need somebody with a car. You know what I mean. And I didn't. I never thought that way. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

So, and it may be because I didn't have standards, I don't know, but I really have never looked at what somebody else had, because at the end of the day, you know how do I look, saying, oh girl, he's got a house, oh girl, he got a car. Well, it's not mine, I'm, you know, I'm just dating the person. You know I'm saying potentially, some people might say, well, it could be yours. You know, if you get married, you play your cards right? Not really, because at the end of the day, you know who really thinks that you're gonna have a healthy relationship by wanting someone because of what they have. You know, material wise.

Speaker 1:

Now, if y'all hear a little noise in the background or whatever, I'm washing my clothes, so just bear with me. Okay, but I want to get on here and talk about this thing and then they have us pinned against each other. You know, women and men and men are actually sitting out here playing the victim of being cheated on and their women are a faithful or something. And I'm saying to myself back in a day, women won't even allow it to work. And then the men were supposed to, you know, provide and take care of the women. And then Papa's a rolling stone. He's out there with a whole another family, okay, and you know Grandma don't know about it. And then you know he decides to leave Grandma and her children or their children and then go off with another thing his family. Did you know this? In the next city or down the street around the corner?

Speaker 1:

So now you know, this woman doesn't have Her man anymore, her husband anymore, to provide, so then she has to depend on Social service, she has to depend on whatever she can figure out, you know, to pay her bills and so forth you know what I mean and survive and take care of her children. And so, mom, a lot of men don't understand, they go on and they Leave these relationships or even marriages, and they can. They start a whole new life. But a lot of women that are left with the children, they have to do what's best for the children because the children, nine times out of ten, lives with them. In a lot of those separation or divorce cases and you have to be careful who you invite into your home with your children, you know. So a woman can't really Be as free and single not saying at all, but majority of the women, if you're, you know, left taking care of the children majority of the time, then yeah, we're not as free and single as you are. And again, pop was a rolling stone.

Speaker 1:

Now it's turned around that the women are now, you know, and again, statistically, men cheat more, supposedly. Okay, I'm just saying, but, um, women cheat too. I've cheated, you know, I mean, but I've. Now I've cheated too, when, when you cheat on me first, now I'm gonna cheat on you and I'm gonna show you how it's done, type of deal. You know I'm saying that pettiness now. That was back in a day. Of course I've grown and matured now, but I'm just kind of, you know, touching bases on that to let you know that I'm not perfect. Nobody's perfect. At the end of the day, we all fall short of make mistakes. You know stuff happens. It teaches us how to, like my son will say, it builds character, okay, but it teaches us lessons, you know. So I just I don't understand why.

Speaker 1:

You know there's a lot of men that are Hating on women and talking really bad about women, disrespecting women. Just, you know, like we're nothing and putting us all in one box. You know they're putting up videos On social media talking about, you know, maybe one woman incident, or you know something happens or whatever and she's caught cheating or whatever, and then it's like oh, watch out, men, these women are, you know, ruthless. They'd. You know they're this and they're that.

Speaker 1:

I'm like, mmm, there's a lot of men or boys, whatever you will call them, males that were sleeping with so many women, so many women, so many females, and they get upset when their female sleeps with another man, one and they can sleep with, like you know and I know they say oh well, emotionally women are more attached and guys, when they do it, you know they're just, you know having fun, you know, they're just, they're not emotionally attached. So it's not the same. It's the same when you share yourself with someone else, it is the same, whether it's just emotionally, physically attracted, whatever. If you are committed to that person in a relationship or in a marriage and you step outside of that, then guess what? I think you need to go ahead and take accountability for your actions, take responsibility for the consequences. That's coming as well, you know. So it's not.

Speaker 1:

You know all men, it's not all women, it's the individual. I don't like when people put everybody in one box or say all black people, you know, do this. Or all white people do this, or all Asian, you know, I don't like when people were all gays, I don't like when we'd be put in a box. I just don't like it, because it's the individual. At the end of the day, you can sit here and say you know black people, right, people, you know. Well, guess what? You got some white robbers out there too, you know. Or if you say you know males, you know cheat females cheat as well. You have men that look for material things and women as well to take care of them, not just women wanting you, as a man, to take care of them and pay their bills. You have men out here that want a sugar mama or want somebody to pay their bills. You know what I'm saying. It's just the individual, and I think we need to focus on more important subjects.

Speaker 1:

Versus going against each other, I think we need to pull together collectively as one unit, unite together, accept each other's differences, no judgment. Love people where they are, because we never know what God is doing with that person in that season. You know, we grow when we learn from our mistakes. There's life lessons that we have to go through. My path may not look like your path, but at the end of the day, it's not for me to judge. It's not for you to judge. Clean up your own house first. Get it together, you know. Be active in standing up for something and stop tearing it down your brother and your sister. Stop tearing down people in general. Uplift people, you know. Be that light, like I always talk about.

Speaker 1:

It's sad that social media is trying to distract us where we are not really focused. We need to definitely have the awakening occur and be enlightened on what's going on Now. If you want to stay asleep, you can stay asleep if you want to, but it's not about racism, it's not about men hating women or women hating men or anything like that. It's just basically a distraction for us to lose sight of what's important While, like I said earlier, bills are being passed. Things are being done Behind our backs pretty much. We're really right in front of our faces because we're too busy worrying about what JD Unwell doing or what Beyonce and Jay-Z is doing. We're too busy in everybody else's business instead of understanding where the world is headed.

Speaker 1:

So I think we need to focus on ourselves. Love ourselves first, put ourselves first as well. Stop taking any kind of treatment, stop. You know. I mean, come on, females. At the end of the day, we need to just stop it. We need to stop talking about our bills need to be paid, being ungrateful about somebody buys you a car or does something nice for you. You know you're upset about it.

Speaker 1:

Just no karma, karma. You know if you're dealing with something. Just think about it for a moment. Say you know what is this? My karmic person Is this you know how you love someone and then they cheat on you and then you break up with them and then they go out here and then they find them someone and they fall in love, just like you was in love with them, and they fall in love and then that person cheats on them. That's that karmic. Karma will come around. What you put out in this world will come right back to you. If you put out good, good or come back. If you put out bad, bad or come back. I had some karma too, honey. I had to clean my karma up, you know.

Speaker 1:

So you have to recognize it for what it is and stop being so upset and pissed off, because you know I mean don't hate the player, hate the game. You know what I'm saying. At the end of the day, we didn't all been there, done that. So trust and believe that if you live right, then those things will good, things will come to you. And even if you have, say, for example, you know, I say you've never cheated on anyone and never been, you know, unfaithful and you've been a loving person or whatever. You might just be given the right thing to the wrong person and sometimes God will go ahead and remove that person out your life and you may think you know all you upset, you know, like, oh, I think she was the one. Clearly she was not, clearly he was not. You know what I'm saying. You don't need anyone that's going to disrespect you, mistreat you, put you down, make you feel less than you. Don't need that. So rejection again. God's protection. I'm going to put that back out there again and just let you know that you are loved, be blessed.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to tell you too that I am still doing the giveaway until January 2024. And if you would like to enter, go ahead and put in our key phrase. And our key phrase is it's about the individual. It's about the individual. That's the key phrase. So email the key phrase to Free Concepts Podcast at gmailcom. Again, that's Free Podcast with the S. So F-R-E-E-P-O-D-C-A-T-S. Chia. I know I didn't E-Race that. It's Free Concepts Podcast, so F-R-E-E-C-O-N-C-E-P-T-S-P-O-D-C-A-S-T. Chia. I ain't got this written down. I'm off the top At gmailcom. Go ahead and email that key phrase that is the individual, and I'll go ahead and you ship an address and I'll go ahead and pull a name and send it to you.

Speaker 1:

So the gift is called the Shadow Work Journal. It helps you do the inner work on the inside of you, unlocking a lot of the information, unlocking a lot of the old stuff that you have put away in the unconscious and now you need to become conscious so you can fulfill your purpose. So it helps you with your wounds as far as, like, childhood wounds, triggers things like that. So basically, it's the healing process, has exercises and activities for you. So I think it's a great book. I wish I had it while I was going through the healing process. I'm still going through it, so I just started using it. But I've been going through the healing process for about two years now because something traumatic, of course, happened in my life which made me wake up and understand where God was taking me and moving me. So I really think this will bless you.

Speaker 1:

I also want to tell you guys, the holidays are coming. Do not stress out, just relax. You get what you can get. If not, it's okay, it's not a big deal. I know you want to buy presents for your spouse, your children, your family, friends and so forth, but at the end of the day. If you don't have it, you don't have it, and don't be going broke to be trying to get nobody gifts or whatever and you can't pay your rent or your bills. So make sure that you're straight first. Do not overextend yourself. It's about the heart. You thought about it. You couldn't do it. Let the person know. Next year, this is what my budget look like. Just let them know. You don't even have to say nothing. At the end of the day, it's your prerogative. Don't let it stress you out.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people around this time are really sad and lonely and depressed, and I get it. I get it. I have a lot of family members that I've lost and I wish they could be here still. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. You're here, god has purpose for your life and if things aren't going the way you like it, you can change it, reinvent yourself, never give up. So I wanted to put that out there and just know that I love you.

Speaker 1:

I hope everyone enjoys their holiday. I still will be back next week talking to you and sharing some good motivation, education and elevation. Anyway, I hope you have a blessed one. If you also have a comment or you want to talk about our topic today, go ahead and email us again at free concepts podcast at gmailcom. It's been an honor, it's been a pleasure. Thank you so much for your support, your love, your subscription. Thank you for liking, thank you for the five stars. I feel so blessed and so honored and grateful. Once again, thanks again. Have a blessed one. See you next week. Bye.

Media Distractions and Relationship Dynamics
The Importance of Individuality and Unity
Holiday Wishes and Gratitude