Free Concepts

Know Your Worth: A Journey of Self-Love, Self-Worth, and Transformation

November 26, 2023 Shaniqua Season 2 Episode 2
Know Your Worth: A Journey of Self-Love, Self-Worth, and Transformation
Free Concepts
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Free Concepts
Know Your Worth: A Journey of Self-Love, Self-Worth, and Transformation
Nov 26, 2023 Season 2 Episode 2

Are you truly valuing yourself and setting boundaries in your life? We've got a heartfelt conversation waiting for you on Free Concepts, where we'll be navigating these waters of self-worth and self-love. Join us as we discuss the importance of living in the here and now, of taking time for self-care, and most importantly, not settling for less. It's time for some self-discovery, a journey to uncover the best version of yourself. A prayer starts us off, followed by a call to action to make those changes we need to truly shine. 

Now, ever heard about shadow work? It's a fascinating concept and we're diving right into it in the next part of our conversation. Embrace your shadow self, merge your light and darkness to become whole, and learn to rise above emotions like fear and anger. We're also introducing the "Shadow Work Journal", by Keila Shaheen, a guide to help you clear out your darkness and let your light shine through. Plus, we've got an exciting TikTok giveaway of the journal running until New Year's 2024! Gratitude, motivation, and elevation are all part of our journey here, so tune in and let's rise together.
Key phrase should be in by next episode Dec. 3rd midnight.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Are you truly valuing yourself and setting boundaries in your life? We've got a heartfelt conversation waiting for you on Free Concepts, where we'll be navigating these waters of self-worth and self-love. Join us as we discuss the importance of living in the here and now, of taking time for self-care, and most importantly, not settling for less. It's time for some self-discovery, a journey to uncover the best version of yourself. A prayer starts us off, followed by a call to action to make those changes we need to truly shine. 

Now, ever heard about shadow work? It's a fascinating concept and we're diving right into it in the next part of our conversation. Embrace your shadow self, merge your light and darkness to become whole, and learn to rise above emotions like fear and anger. We're also introducing the "Shadow Work Journal", by Keila Shaheen, a guide to help you clear out your darkness and let your light shine through. Plus, we've got an exciting TikTok giveaway of the journal running until New Year's 2024! Gratitude, motivation, and elevation are all part of our journey here, so tune in and let's rise together.
Key phrase should be in by next episode Dec. 3rd midnight.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Free Concepts. Everyone we remotivate, educate and elevate. I am your host, shaniqua. I want to first start off by saying thank you, guys. Thank you so much for listening. I'm so truly grateful for your support and your love. Thank you.

Speaker 1:

Today's topic is Know your Worth. Do you know your worth? I hope you know your worth. I hope you say, yes, I do Know your worth. I'm going to start off before I continue, start off with prayer.

Speaker 1:

Father God, in the name of Jesus, god, I come to you, lord, and I say thank you, god. Thank you, god, for all the things that you've done and all that you're about to do. Thank you for this platform, god. I ask that the listeners be able to receive whatever message you have that you want delivered. God, I thank you for your grace, your mercy, your forgiveness. I ask that my listeners have an open heart, open mind and be willing to make whatever change they need to make within themselves to be the best version of them that they can be. Decrease in me, increase more of you. In Jesus name, we pray Amen. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Know your worth. So important, so important. I know many times you've heard this phrase Know your worth, self love, self care. But it's true, guys, you need to value yourself more than that woman or man you're sleeping with. More than likely, you know that person will probably either mistreat you, abuse you, disrespect you and so on, and the only reason I'm saying that is because we often find ourselves in toxic relationships, because we do not know our own value, in which we don't then truly love ourselves. So you know that you are beautiful and wonderfully made by our Creator, and I believe that we are crafted uniquely. We aren't meant to be the same. I think we'd be really boring if everybody was the same. I love our uniqueness. I love our differences. You're an individual with purpose. We don't realize that we detour the plan by changing the core, the very core of who we are, just to please Other people.

Speaker 1:

Change can be great if it's positive and it's what you want, or you know this what God wants for your life, but never change for who you are with or anyone that you just want to satisfy with their own selfishness. Some people just want to change you to please their ego or whatever it is they feel that they need in that time and in that moment, and so you start changing yourself and you don't even know who you are anymore. They have made you know this version, with this vision of whatever they expect the marriage to be or relationship to be, and they don't even know who they are as well. Love and being kind also is a never weakness but a strength, especially when you are strong enough to move on past hurts and put yourself out there to allow yourself to love again. And allow is the key word to allow yourself to love again, because we often allow people to treat us any kind of way, basically, and that then becomes a pattern, and a pattern that really needs to stop, because you are worthy. Nobody should treat you less than so. It's time to set those boundaries. Stop being bothered. Stop being bothered. I'm gonna say it again Stop being bothered with people that get on your nerves and stop being around people that seem like they bothered by you. You need to reinvent the new you and reintroduce yourself and teach people how to treat you. Take back control over your life. Stop settling for less. You are worthy and it's hot time that you start showing up in the world is just that worthy.

Speaker 1:

You must look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself just a few questions. Just imagine yourself. Well, if you have a mirror that you're that's nearby. Ask yourself a few questions. What are you doing? Look at yourself. Say what are you doing? What are you doing with your life? What are you doing? You know this isn't you? Stand up straight and tall and tell yourself to get your ish together. Says get your ish together, bruh.

Speaker 1:

You don't deserve the negativity that's given the things that you encounter, just because you don't want to be alone. We have to be careful with the negativity that we speak, even to our own selves. We talk down to ourselves and we start believing it. You have to end up saying enough is enough. But the thing is you have to be sick and tired of being sick and tired of being sick and tired To say enough is enough. You have to start with self, because you can't change anyone else but you. You have to make up your own mind and your own head to elevate and grow. You can't be upset and ain't no need to be upset with other people, because it's just draining your energy. You have to do what's best for you, work on you by finding out who you are and stop avoiding being alone with yourself. You dodging yourself like a worsen relative or a coworker, and many times we will be around people that we don't even feel like being around, just so we don't be alone. But you really are never alone, because sometimes you gotta take that quality time with just you and God, no distractions.

Speaker 1:

Now I know that people don't always like the truth, but I'm here to go ahead and speak some truth, not just to myself, but to you too. So here goes Slow down, slow down. Stop moving so fast because life is passing you by. Stay in the moment. You so worried about getting that bag or your retirement. I'm gonna travel one day and when I'm 50 or 60, when you retire, you keep looking to 20, 30 years later.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you have to just. I'm not saying it's not okay to play, but sometimes you have to just live in the moment. Live in the moment, be quiet. Sometimes you talk too much. I'm talking to myself on that one too. Basically, you can't think why you talking. Find a quiet place, get it all out, any frustrations, and then sit quiet and just listen. Listen to the voice of God, listen to whatever it is that you feel that you need to hear in that moment. Trust me, you'll hear it. But you have to sit in a quiet place and take some time for you, clear out the noise, find company and relationship with God and yourself. Date you. Take time to lotion your legs I don't know Soak in the hot tub and read a book, dance around the house, sing, even if you can't sing, you know. Just have enjoyment with just being with you.

Speaker 1:

You cannot love someone if you do not love you. I'm gonna say that for the people in the back you cannot love someone if you do not love you. This was a lesson I learned the hard way. Come to think of it, I kind of learned all my lessons the hard way. But anyway, be comfortable, be confident in your own skin. You will find what you think are imperfections. Someone else will think is beautiful your nose, for example. You might think, oh, I have a long. Well for me, I felt like I've had a long nose. Someone will love that nose, the whole package of you.

Speaker 1:

If you don't love you, then you cannot expect for someone else to like you or even love you. If you don't accept who you are you have to accept you Then how do you expect anybody else? You know what I mean. You gotta come to grips with just who you are and love you and embrace you, cause you with you and you gonna be with you until you're not here. You know so you might as well get comfortable with just you. Don't feel ashamed. Instead, feel proud of who you are Now.

Speaker 1:

Man, I'm talking to y'all too. Don't settle for less. You need to take time to heal and love you as well. Allow your best qualities to shine. There's more good in you than bad guys.

Speaker 1:

I'm speaking from a place of freedom. Free yourself from the shackles that have you bound. God will show you how to love and even receive love. You don't know how to receive love because you are wondering how can they love me, flaws and all, and that it's too good to be true. And then you end up self-sabotaging with your insecurities and low self-esteem, always thinking that they cheat in because you don't have faith in what the great man or woman that you are. And even to say, if they do cheat, that's not your issue, that's their issue. And be glad the God reveals people for who they are. You deserve better. Be happy when God remove people.

Speaker 1:

Don't be so quick to try to get them back, especially when you know that they've wronged you in such a way or disrespected you. Work on you while you are waiting on better. So I want you to do me a favor write a list of qualities, of qualities that you acquire, and then a list of qualities that you want in your mate. I said qualities, not money or material. Now, and then you got to see too are you adding up on your own list to what you're expecting? And then are there deal breakers, things that you just can't deal with. Now, be honest, don't be. You ain't fooling nobody but yourself. So be honest. Are you willing to even compromise on some things, things like that? Just know that God will give you the desires of your heart, but be willing to wait. Be willing to wait on it, guys. A lot of times we are microwave time. We don't want to wait on who God has for us, because while you are getting you together, healing and such, god is preparing that person that will be just for you.

Speaker 1:

Everything starts with you, though. You hold the key to your very own heart, to your own freedom. You've had it all along searching for love like a noun child, searching for love through people, places and things. Love is deep down on the inside of you, just waiting to come up and blossom. It really is, and you can keep searching for someone to love you. You can go ahead and keep searching and think that they'll fill up their emptiness, that void that you have on the inside, or you can love yourself and let God fill you up instead.

Speaker 1:

Now, I'm not trying to offend any non-believers out there, because I'm always talking about God, but that's what's got me through. I was lost and I'm found. Basically, it took me over 30 years to finally find what I had been looking for in friendships and personal relationships and everywhere else I was looking. Finally, I found real, authentic, genuine love within me, accepting myself and acknowledging what I've done or been through whatever. Basically, it didn't define me and the things that I did didn't define who I am and who God called me to be. You know what I'm saying. I was in the making and I was being crafted and I was learning lessons and my faith was being tested as well.

Speaker 1:

Will I give up or will I rise to the occasion? You got that power up in you too to keep going. But the journey is not as hard when you have faith and believe in God. I have less stress when I believe in God because I just give it to him. Now, it ain't always easy all the time, y'all, it's harder than what it sounds, but I rather do that than not believing. And then, if I'm not believing, I'm more, I'm worrying more, and then that's going to cause disease in my body. This ease will cause disease in the body when you harbor all of that and you're worrying and all of the stuff. The weight is on your shoulders. So I'm learning to let go and let God do what you can and leave the rest of him.

Speaker 1:

Know your words, by the way, is the key phrase, just in case y'all didn't catch that. So last week episode I discussed that we would have a keyword for a giveaway. So the keyword know your worth is the key phrase, just in case you didn't catch that. But know that you're enough, you are worthy, you are of greatness and you are still in the potter's hands. The best is yet to come. I want you to say this again With me know that you are enough, say I am enough, I am worthy, I am of greatness and I am still in the potter's hands. The best is yet to come. Email the key phrase to free concepts podcast at gmailcom, along with your shipping address, so that I can mail you.

Speaker 1:

Your book is called the shadow work journal. It's a guide to integrate and trust, transcend your shadow. So basically, combining your light with the darkness and becoming the whole light. And rise above the darkness, such as fear, wounds, anger, etc. Anything basically that's keeping you bound and that's keeping your light dim. There's no darkness when there's light, guys. So clear out the darkness. The light resides in you, so shine your light. Okay, again, the shadow work journal will be given out. I will go on to tiktok and live and I will pull the name. So all the emails that I get, I'll take your names, put them on a piece of paper and I will pull the name and that's who will get the book, once a week until New Year's, 2024. Okay, so, thank you, guys so much. I'm so blessed, so honored for this platform to be able to motivate, educate and elevate. Have a great week, thanks again.

Knowing Your Worth and Self-Love
Shadow Work Journal TikTok Giveaway