Free Concepts

Gracefully Broken: Surrendering to the Process for Purpose

October 15, 2023 Shaniqua Season 1 Episode 3
Gracefully Broken: Surrendering to the Process for Purpose
Free Concepts
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Gracefully Broken: Surrendering to the Process for Purpose
Oct 15, 2023 Season 1 Episode 3

Have you ever felt like life was tearing you apart, only to realize that you were actually being molded into something better? This episode is all about embracing the concept of being gracefully broken, as we explore the painful yet purposeful process of letting go of what no longer serves us. Share our journey as we discuss the sometimes-devastating removal of people, places, and things from our lives, and how we came to realize that such losses are a divine part of our transformation and growth.

Change often arrives in the form of life shake-ups that can be hard to accept. Walk with us as we navigate the road of personal transformation, sharing how we found breakthroughs by submitting to God's will and acknowledging His grace in the breaking. We delve into the unseen facets of life where God shields us from harm, reminding ourselves to relinquish control and follow His lead, even when the path is uncertain.

 Our discussion emphasizes on the priceless value of peace of mind, advocating for self-care, and the need to transform into who we are meant to be. We also talk about how our paths may diverge from others, and that's okay. So, join us as we explore the power of surrender and grace, reminding ourselves to be patient, spread love and not hate, and recognizing that healing is a journey.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Have you ever felt like life was tearing you apart, only to realize that you were actually being molded into something better? This episode is all about embracing the concept of being gracefully broken, as we explore the painful yet purposeful process of letting go of what no longer serves us. Share our journey as we discuss the sometimes-devastating removal of people, places, and things from our lives, and how we came to realize that such losses are a divine part of our transformation and growth.

Change often arrives in the form of life shake-ups that can be hard to accept. Walk with us as we navigate the road of personal transformation, sharing how we found breakthroughs by submitting to God's will and acknowledging His grace in the breaking. We delve into the unseen facets of life where God shields us from harm, reminding ourselves to relinquish control and follow His lead, even when the path is uncertain.

 Our discussion emphasizes on the priceless value of peace of mind, advocating for self-care, and the need to transform into who we are meant to be. We also talk about how our paths may diverge from others, and that's okay. So, join us as we explore the power of surrender and grace, reminding ourselves to be patient, spread love and not hate, and recognizing that healing is a journey.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to Free Concepts everyone. I am your host, shaniqua, and we have our co-host, dee.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone.

Speaker 1:

So how's it going today?

Speaker 2:

It's blessed, blessed day. So far, so good. How about yourself?

Speaker 1:

I'm having a lovely day. I listened to a little Sarah Jigs Roberts this morning. I'm an Evolve and I was about 15 minutes on the air and she said some. It was a powerful message. I only got there 15 minutes but I felt like just praising him right there this morning. You know just.

Speaker 2:

God is good. Got a word in 15.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

She's definitely anointed for it. She's awesome.

Speaker 1:

Definitely, definitely. Yeah, I love her. She's a lot like me. You know she's a cancer like me too A little crappy Patty sometimes. Yeah, I'm a crappy Patty. It's okay, I admit it, you know that's okay. But um, so today's topic, we're going to go jump right in, Okay? So, oh no, we have to say our prayer. We're going to do our prayer we got to pray first yeah, I got so excited, I was excited.

Speaker 2:

No, no, but that's a good thing. So here we go, Heavenly Father, we come to you through your son, just as we are, and we thank you for this opportunity to this platform, to have the opportunity to talk about you, to represent you, and we pray that you increase in us and that we decrease in that it can touch someone that needs to hear this word. Lord, we love you, we praise you and we give you the glory and the praise and Jesus name. We pray Amen.

Speaker 1:

Amen, and I want to say amen to these people that have been listening. Um, we are up to about 30 something downloads, so that is great, and I don't think it's been even a week yet. So thank you so much for listening. Today, our topic is going to be gracefully broken, and what that means. So, um, the breakdown is like when things seem like they're falling apart. You might lose your job or, um, you've lost income somehow, or maybe you've lost a loved one or, um, a relationship, it depends, you know. And when you think that things are just kind of like falling apart, that's the moment when God is just trying to, uh, pull you together. Does that make sense?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely Absolutely. It's like uh, to me it's like gracefully broken. As you know, god removing people, places and things that no longer serve you or support the purpose that he has assigned for your life. So it feels at first it's hard, because he's taking away things that you thought you would have. You know some, some things, as you know, like when you're comfortable.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

You're comfortable when you think you're going to have them for life, and and then there's a uh, a breaking.

Speaker 1:

I break down my own that basically.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Mm. Hmm, yeah, where he's. It's, you know he doesn't want us to get too comfortable and complacent and he can't move us. And it's harder to change us once we've got in that, um, their routine of things and accepting things for what they are now and um, so I think that that's. You know, like people say, everything just falls apart, you know, seems like. You know, it's chaos everywhere. You know there's always something else, always something going on. You know, one thing after another, you know, like your car might break down or you, you know this may happen. Yeah, it helps us to be awakened, absolutely. It helps us to be then conscious, because we, you know, like, why are these things happening to me? You know, and I think it's happening, of course, because it's necessary and God is trying to do something in your life, and what do you think about that?

Speaker 2:

Just though, Absolutely it is. It is, I believe it's awakening. He's trying to wake you up to what he has for you in your life and the purpose that he created you to serve. And then he has to remove people, as I said, people, places or things that no longer serve you or holding you stagnant to where, as he can't use you, because sometimes it get people in your life and change you and change the things in the purpose that you feel that you're led to do, and then he has to remove that in order to get you free and clear to do that. And you know, a lot of times people think, as you know, it's a bad thing. You know what I'm saying. Like they feel I'm losing this, I'm losing this, I've lost my job, I've lost my home, I got to start all over.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying. Our people. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Are just, you know, like you said, losing people, but it's always a blessing and a breaking. It's a blessing and a breaking, but we have to take heed that this is for our good. Everything is happening for you, not against you. Because, we take it to you.

Speaker 1:

You know we take it personally.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and we and our human, we, you know, and that's why he said lean not on your own understanding, because to us is like it's like devastating or it's tragic to lose you know, a mate or marriage or divorce, or you know your home or even your transportation. Like you said, you get in an accident, some things happen, but but sure enough, when God removes one thing he always puts something better. So he has to break you and heal you and rebuild you and it's not absolutely like a break, like he's breaking you physically but, he's healing you.

Speaker 2:

It's a healing going on inside, from the inside out, and he has to heal you and rebuild you to serve his purpose, because if we stayed the same, we would continue to repeat these lessons over and over until we get them right. So he has to break us so that we can get it right, so we won't be stagnant.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, he gets. So it's like God gives us a replay of the consciousness cycle, like he's starting to help play, like you know, like the things you were doing wrong, like why is all of this that? Usually we're at the moment when we have that, when everything is falling apart, we feel like why is this happening to me? You know what I mean, and then, he'll replay those things. And I said I said I meant to say continuous cycles. Well, I said conscious cycles.

Speaker 1:

Okay but the continuous cycle. So he replaced that back to us. Like you keep repeating the same cycle over and, over and over and over again and you keep bumping your head.

Speaker 1:

You're still not getting you know anywhere, because you're kind of going around a mulberry bush circle, and so you finally have to then surrender to the process and submit and say God, I see what you're doing, I see what I've done, I've made a mess of it. You know what I mean. So now I need you to come in and go ahead, and he's like you know what. You want me to take off, you want me to drive you. Good.

Speaker 2:

Jesus, take the wheel, basically. Once you realize that that awakening is happening for your good, you surrender, submit, let go and let God have his way, because ultimately, it's for your good. So that's as humans, we don't understand that. Sometimes we're like confused, like wire, and sometimes it feels like you're going backwards instead of for it. But that's the beauty of it Like a bow and arrow is like God pulls you back so he can thrust you forward.

Speaker 2:

And sometimes when he pulls you back, he takes you 10 or 12 years ahead of what you would have been at if you would have did it at your pace and kept going in that cycle. And then he said that continuous circle of repeat, repeat. Why am I keep doing this? Or even like dating. You feel like you're dating the same person over and over or like a job.

Speaker 2:

You keep getting the same type of job, but you're miserable at it. You're not willing to change. So he has to break you down so that you can.

Speaker 1:

You know so it's like I said, it's a go ahead. No, go ahead, it's like a word.

Speaker 2:

I was like it's a blessing and a breaking. You know it's not all bad.

Speaker 1:

you know it's not bad at all, it's kind of like a breakdown not not like a nervous breakdown, but it's a break when you sometimes, sometimes you feel like you about to have one but it's a breakdown of the things that God is trying to show you, that you know, when you weren't listening, you saw red flags.

Speaker 1:

You saw all these things happening. You know you continuously, like you said, date the same people. You're still hanging around the same people, you're doing the same things, and what it's doing is it hindering you from moving forward into your purpose? And so that's why, at that point, we need to heal, go within and reevaluate. Why am I doing these things?

Speaker 1:

You know, and it usually comes from like for me it was a venomous issues, neglect issues, not feeling like I'm enough, not feeling wanted, trying to please everyone, you know, and make everybody else happy and comfortable. In times I wasn't comfortable or happy, but anything to please someone else and put a smile on their face. And so I had to reevaluate those things like why do I do these things? Or why do I keep choosing these people, instead of blaming? You know my partners or my exes or whatever, what it means chose that person.

Speaker 1:

You know, and it could sometimes it could be trauma bonding. You know, it could be familiarity of. You know what you've seen growing up which was not healthy. So I think that it's really important for us to reevaluate our lives and just understand, in those terrible moments or those moments that there's a breakdown, when it feels like everything is falling apart, that in those stressful moments you know that God is trying to show you something. He's trying to transform you and it doesn't feel good when you're being transformed because a lot of people don't like change and we don't want change because we just got comfortable where we at.

Speaker 2:

Right right.

Speaker 1:

And I just got comfortable. You know, like, like some shoes, you know how you got to break them in. I'm comfortable now. Now you want to?

Speaker 2:

break me Right now. You got to get a new pair.

Speaker 1:

And everything is going on right and it's going on. You know like. I'm good, like I got, and I got this girlfriend or this wife or this husband or you know, like what's going on, and then it just falls apart because it he got wants us to start moving you know, unless we will stay comfortable.

Speaker 1:

I know one thing I might dislike a job but I'll go because I know I got to pay my bills and it pays my bills going anyway. But when he takes that job from me, then I don't have a choice but to start figuring out other ways to make money you know what I mean and figure out what other resources can I utilize to, you know, help me with my bills or whatever. So sometimes it's like even being desperate you know it's a desperate cry like wait a minute, I can't pay my bills. Like I'm living from paycheck to paycheck already. And then once you, once he does that in your life, then you are forced, you know, to move Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

You're forced to go out and get another job or whatever Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just so you don't stay stagnant. And, like you said, us as humans, we get comfortable and we'll just stay and we'll just deal with whatever. But he has to shake it up. Shake it, sort of speak. Shake things up so that we will realize that we are here for a reason and it's not our reason, it's his reason and he's using us to be a blessing as someone else, and the people that we're assigned to are waiting on us to get it together and figure it out. So he has to, you know, do that broken, do that breaking, or do that change or do that change?

Speaker 1:

We got a phone call and a little business.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my bad, I had turned to silence it, but clearly I don't know how it came through.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, okay, no, but I just, yeah, I feel like it's necessary and it's. It's crazy that it has to come to that point, though, for us to finally change our ways, that we end up losing everything or losing someone, or just losing, you know, and this is the thing. These are just things. We're not here for these things, we're not here for that bag, we're not here to, you know, for things you know houses, you know exactly.

Speaker 1:

We're here to love, love one another, help people through their journey. You know, be respectful, have integrity, morals, values, definitely respect. Respect them on another as human beings. Forget all the racism and stuff. If we would act right as human beings, we wouldn't even have to worry about that.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, I totally, I totally agree with you and just you know, like you said, the grace of it is the breaking. It's his grace because he could, you know, do another way and, like, punish us, but he gracefully breaks us so we can end these, like you said, cycles and just be that, that light that he needs us to be, the shine through this world, because everyone needs somebody. So he's doing it for for our greater good, it's all for our good.

Speaker 2:

But all the time, you know, and he's good. So anything that he's doing, he's doing it for our good and, like you said, in that human mind we think we take it personal and we like man, what's going on, that I or we'll start blaming ourselves that I do this wrong, that I do that I had done this.

Speaker 2:

we'll start second guessing ourselves but, like going through the awakening, we realize once you, like you said, we realize that it's going for our good and we just let go and let him and just let him use us. Then we're never the same again and we're grateful for that breakthrough, because it's really a breakthrough you know, yeah, the breakdown becomes the breakthrough.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely, and it's a blessing. And then if we just, you know, a heed to it and, like you said, trust the process, you know there's a lot of people and you got to and, like you said, with change, a lot of people don't like change, you know.

Speaker 1:

so life is constantly changing, as constantly and you and your pose to change, because your pose will evolve and grow and we always want to be growing, not stay stagnant and just like, even when we're driving to, not to catch you off with, like when we're driving and say we've been to work this particular way for the last I don't know how many months or years and then all of a sudden, there's a detour and we're like I don't want to get on the highway to get to work you know what I mean. Or I don't want to have to go all the way around to get where I need to be. Oh my God, it's going to make me late, you know. So we don't. We don't want to take the detour. You know we don't want to change. We want to. God might be showing you something. He might be showing you some beautiful trees over there, a beautiful home, I don't know. Squirrels, the plane running behind each other, chasing I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely yeah, redirection is protection and sometimes we don't like it we don't like it. You know, like you said, it goes back to change. We don't like change, and sometimes he's protecting us from things that we can't see with the human eye, so we got to just take heed and just let go, let him, let him flow, submit, submit.

Speaker 1:

It's the hardest thing, because you will fight against that thing, you will fight against that change. You will, you know, like, no, I'm not doing it this way. I'm gonna, and you're gonna be stubborn and you're gonna keep your ego, and ego got to go God is humbling you. So the ego has to go.

Speaker 1:

You can't you know, fight against it because it's gonna take you that much longer to get your breakthrough. So you might as well go ahead and submit. I know one time I was going through it and I just threw up my hands and I just started crying Lord, I submit, I just submit, I submit to the process, I give in, like whatever you want to do with me move me the way you want to move me.

Speaker 1:

You know, take me wherever you need me to go. You drive, like I said earlier, I, you know, I'm giving it all to you because I can't do nothing else with it. I'm gonna give it all to you and when I tell you, you give it all to him and you, you say okay, you work, you do, I'll follow, you leave. I don't know how we're gonna do this, but I'm gonna follow you and as soon as we do give in and submit, I'm telling you he will bless you like never before you will get to that breakthrough, because that means that you've matured, you know you're at the, at where he needs you to be mentally. You know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. It's just like a healing from the inside out. It's a beautiful thing, like you said, if you just let go and receive it instead of trying to fight it, because you, you got to get through this in order to do his purpose and to live your life purpose. So you can't know a way around it, you can't go around it, you just got it to get and if that brings you to it, he'll bring you through it.

Speaker 1:

So absolutely, and that's why we say gracefully broken, because he's not trying to break us to be mean.

Speaker 2:

He's not trying to break us right harsh, he's not trying to hurt us.

Speaker 1:

But it's these things that we've picked up along the way in the world, from our experiences and disappointments or hurts and all of those things. He needs to break those things up off of us, the flesh of all for us, so that we can actually walk within spirit, you know, as you know, as he wanted us to, all along, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

It's a beautiful, beautiful. Bless and let go.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say it's hard, though it's really hard. I don't know people out here to be listening and thinking that it's not, that it's easy. It's really hard to take accountability for your stuff and to actually see your ways. You know if you're snappy, if you're this or you're loud and you get upset. You know you start screaming or you know the way you talk to somebody. You know, but it all comes from.

Speaker 1:

You know childhood wounds or wounds that we've had, guilt wounds or Traumas Trump yes all of that you know, and it starts changing us and transforming us into Everybody else you know. You see people that are hurting people and being mean and hateful, but then you turn around and do the same thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cuz hurt people, hurt people.

Speaker 1:

Exactly so you have to be really careful, because also, karma is something else, honey, that you'll go roll right back around. Yes, it will. So if you put good out into the world, good gonna come back. If you put bad out into the world, bad it's gonna come back.

Speaker 1:

So I had to tell somebody that not too long ago it was Asking me out and they were married. And I said oh no, no, no, I already cleaned my coma, oh, not married. I think they were getting married or something, I don't know. But I said I already clean my calm, I ain't trying to mess with nobody's.

Speaker 2:

Me, oh, just a lunch day.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm good like right now.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. I'm serious right now about my life. I want to get closer to God. You better pull me all the way, but see, that's how the enemy of come around and bring people all of a sudden, x's of you know, old people that used to deal with, or old friends, and try to, you know, step in and come back when you and I already cut off people because you have to do what's best you know for you You're. What did you say earlier about how he has to disconnect us from people? That are.

Speaker 2:

There's no longer serve. That's no longer serving us. For his purpose or his assignment for us and some people got to go and, and and, just liking anything in life. It's seasons, like God is seasons for everybody. And some right right, and it's seasonal people and unfortunate. And if you're not growing and you have this same, you know, group of people, then you're not growing and you're not evolving. And some people just like a tree. Some people are roots they're meant to stay forever and some people are leaves they're meant to leave.

Speaker 2:

They're only what you were season and they can't flow and go with you because they're not meant to go on this next level that guy's taking you, so you yes, absolutely Absolutely, and it doesn't feel good when these relationships end because you know for me. I know it's hard.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for me. I love people and I've, you know, always created, I thought, good relationships around me, good friends, and you know people that were like-minded and I don't know just friends. But then you grow up, I guess, and you realize after situations that you're always showing up for them and showing up for everybody else, but nobody shows up for you, and that doesn't feel good you know, absolutely Because you start feeling alone.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm alone for real, like you know. I know one thing I might be alone, but I ain't lonely because I always got God with me.

Speaker 2:

Amen, amen to that, amen, amen. You're never alone. He always got you.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but it doesn't feel good when you know people, especially you could be friends for like 20 years, 30 years, and sometimes when you you know you gotta let them go. You gotta let them go for your own peace of mind and for your own healing and you gotta start setting boundaries and that's something I didn't know how to do at first, because I'm Right right that self, that self-care is real Self-love loving yourself.

Speaker 1:

Yes yes. Taking time with just you and learning you and allowing God to transform you into who you need to be so you can get the glory out of it. And he wants us to touch people in such a way that it will change their lives for the better.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just praying for healthy relationships and just for us to come together and understand that we're all different. We're all on a journey, but my journey or my path may not look like yours, but that's okay. You know to just stay focused on your own stuff, because if you stay focused on your own stuff and mind your business and stop minding everybody else's business, you can actually do the healing work. You can actually listen and hear from God and you know when he orders your steps. You know so.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, absolutely, Absolutely. You can you get grow that growing and healing is a beautiful thing.

Speaker 1:

And in that piece.

Speaker 2:

As you get older you realize peace is priceless. It's just the most beautiful gift you can have. Then you know be peaceful and content in all circumstances and situations.

Speaker 1:

And just trust that I'm sorry and trust what.

Speaker 2:

And just trust that God got you, no matter what it looks like you know or feels like you know, but go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say. You know, I've had not had and I've had not had, but as far as financially. But I love my peace of mind, like I would walk away from everything or anything. I don't care if you paying for everything and you know, but if you are toxic or if you, if I'm not happy, I'm just gonna go and get peace of mind and that's more valuable to me than anything else in the world.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and that's part of the healing process that he's putting you through that healing, Because once you start healing your, your tasting, people will change and you won't settle. You won't settle anymore because you'll know your worth and who you are through and with God, you deserve more, you know. So you won't compromise, like you said, on your peace, on things that you really, you know, want for yourself and feel that you are worthy of. You won't settle on that department.

Speaker 1:

I kind of liked that. I was thinking when you said that about taste. I was thinking about your taste buds, how they change over years. You know, and as you get older, some things that you didn't like before you end up liking. Now you know that you eat, you know. So it's like a the same thing. I taste buds change and then also we. When we change, we're like I don't want to answer my phone anymore for you because you're too negative, like I can't do it, you'll be on a 10, somebody bring you down to a four or five because they didn't told you all their business early in the morning.

Speaker 1:

you didn't pray to the meditated and you ready for the day and you get that phone confidence or in person, you be like, oh Lord, something tells you, don't answer it, just go ahead with your day. You go ahead and you call them back later. Nope, go ahead and answer it Before you know it want one. They got you on like two and so all your energy, and you wonder why you feel drained when you get off the phone.

Speaker 2:

So I just that's the energy, that negative energy is only transferred, so it's transferred from one to the next is never destroyed, is just transferred. And then you, you like, you said you having a great day and then want one, and then just being of people, like I believe we are empaths. You pick up on people, so you take on their feelings and their pain up their emotions.

Speaker 2:

And then you're drained out and you ain't even got your day started because you already drained from just that. So then you got to recoup and read, but go back into your healing and you're just whoo whoo sigh. Namaste.

Speaker 1:

You gotta redo it.

Speaker 1:

I know, but okay, so everyone that is gracefully broken. Let us know what you think and if you need comments or any suggestions about topics, definitely email us at free concepts podcast at gmailcom. I want to thank you for listening. Thank you for your support. Please share, continue sharing and listen to the whole thing, because you know that's how we get credit for it. And just stay blessed and love on someone and show them grace. You know just and allow the process to take place, because it's only for your good. God is working in you and he wants to take you to the next level. Anything you want to say, Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Just like you said, just submitting surrender, let go and let God, and just just even you know, giving other people grace, give yourself grace, because we, we fall short every day and constantly, and with this graceful, with being gracefully broken, it's not going to happen overnight, and it takes years and it takes time. So just be patient with yourself as you be patient with others. Give yourself grace and just basically again, thank you for listening Be blessed, stay blessed and spread love and not hate.

Speaker 1:

Amen, yeah, I have a wonderful day. See you next week. Thank you for listening. Bye.

Gracefully Broken
Personal Growth and Transformation Journey
Navigating Relationships and Seeking Peace
The Power of Surrender and Grace