Free Concepts

Blossoming into Better Versions: An Inspiring Life Journey

September 29, 2023 Shaniqua Season 1 Episode 2
Blossoming into Better Versions: An Inspiring Life Journey
Free Concepts
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Free Concepts
Blossoming into Better Versions: An Inspiring Life Journey
Sep 29, 2023 Season 1 Episode 2

Intro Episode: Are you ready to embark on a poignant journey of triumph, resilience, and sheer willpower? My life has been a whirlwind of experiences, from New York to ten different states, 45 jobs, and even homelessness. Yet, it was amidst the battles with abuse, and the heart-wrenching losses of 26 loved ones that I discovered my strength and purpose. Today, I share this deeply personal narrative, not to relive the pain, but to ignite a spark of hope and healing in you.

Our conversation today also highlights the power of grace and kindness. It is a powerful reminder that we all carry heavy burdens, often hidden behind smiling faces. This episode is an open invitation for you to shed your masks and share your story. By doing so, we hope to start a ripple effect of healing and understanding. As you step into the new week, remember to find joy in the little things and know that we are all works in progress, blossoming into better versions of ourselves. So, tune in, and together, let's embrace the beauty of our shared humanity.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Intro Episode: Are you ready to embark on a poignant journey of triumph, resilience, and sheer willpower? My life has been a whirlwind of experiences, from New York to ten different states, 45 jobs, and even homelessness. Yet, it was amidst the battles with abuse, and the heart-wrenching losses of 26 loved ones that I discovered my strength and purpose. Today, I share this deeply personal narrative, not to relive the pain, but to ignite a spark of hope and healing in you.

Our conversation today also highlights the power of grace and kindness. It is a powerful reminder that we all carry heavy burdens, often hidden behind smiling faces. This episode is an open invitation for you to shed your masks and share your story. By doing so, we hope to start a ripple effect of healing and understanding. As you step into the new week, remember to find joy in the little things and know that we are all works in progress, blossoming into better versions of ourselves. So, tune in, and together, let's embrace the beauty of our shared humanity.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Free Concepts Everyone, where we motivate, educate and elevate. I am your host, shaniqua, and thank you so much for tuning in to my very first podcast episode. It is a joyful moment for me to have my very own platform so I can spread love, knowledge and wisdom that I've gained through my very own experiences. Let me ask you a few questions. First, are you tired of the mediocre life routines or not being fulfilled, and are you tired of being used, mistreated and having failed relationships, whether that's friendships, family ships, co-workerships or intimate relationships, and are you just sick and tired of being sick and tired and fed up with the world's negativity? Then this is the podcast that will change your life forever and for the better. Before I go any further, my name again is Shaniqua.

Speaker 1:

I'm a woman, mother and healer. I'm originally from Jamaica, queens, new York. Go Queens, go New York. I have raised three amazing children, mostly as a single parent, and successfully broken generational cycles. I am only 49 years young and look nothing like what I've been through. I dash around like I'm 29 and that's a miracle and a blessing within itself, especially with all the ailments that I have. There is nothing, pretty much, that I haven't been through. I have had 26 losses, some by murder, suicide and natural causes. I have been through all types of abuse. I have worked 45 jobs, from Waitress into corporate Fortune 500 companies. I even worked for Usher at Usher's New Look. I even had my own business for five years elevating women through fashion. I also lived in 10 states, from North to South. I have been engaged five times, married three and divorced. I was also homeless recently, which led me to TikTok to talk about my journey, which gained me over 17,000 TikTok fan members and only just a few months from sharing my stories and posting inspirational videos. Shout out to Community of Unity, my platform on TikTok. We made a job. Shout out to Usher and his team for doing an amazing job with at-risk youth over 20 years.

Speaker 1:

These are a few things that I wanted to highlight to help you understand that I feel you and that there is hope for you as well. If I can do it and God can do it for me, then without a doubt, he can do it for you. You must have faith and believe in it in order for it to manifest. The amazing part about all of what I just said is that I got through those things and I am, in my right mind, not on any medications and I didn't take nobody out y'all, but for real. That should speak volumes. It should show that if I can come out on the other side, then you can do it too.

Speaker 1:

Now I know that parts of my life may seem crazy to the average person, but I'm not average. You may think, dang, she's been through a lot, and I have. Or you might be thinking that this woman sounds unstable as hell. But, on the contrary, at times we must have seasons of instability, some shakeups that will teach valuable lessons to find the answers in which we are seeking all along through life's journey. I'd rather listen to someone that has experienced all aspects of life rather than listen to somebody that hasn't been through anything. You wouldn't go to a mechanic for surgery. You would go to someone who is experienced, and I am clearly experienced. I think we all can agree on that. I have plenty of experience.

Speaker 1:

I like to call it life's journey, because we all only exist until we actually go on the journey, going for that ride. The meaning of living is being active, the meaning of life is to exist, but the meaning of journey is to an act of traveling. So we only exist until we live by going wherever the journey takes you. At times, we must go wherever we're led in order to figure out who we are and what our purpose is. Through my own personal journey, I was led to many places and for a long time not understanding why my life was what it was, because it didn't look like anything I witnessed and it didn't look like, you know, it wasn't right from what society's stance was. But God told me that I had to go through all of what I've been through so that I could break generational curses and one day speak to people and share my testimonies in order to help change the world and yes, I just said change the world. I feel that because if I share my story of my growth with you and you share your stories too to help others and so on, then we are changing one at a time and over time.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully, we can all heal in the name of love. If I can do it, so can you. I believe that God has equipped me for this season. He has me on assignment. Y'all, I promise to be genuine, authentic and transparent in my episodes, but you must be willing to listen without judgmental ears and do the work of unmasking yourself, one day at a time, healing the old wounds, getting basically to the root of the pain. I would love for us to challenge ourselves, to take off the mask that hinders our growth. It takes away from who God created us truly to be, and many of us have been hiding behind it for years, trying to be someone that we aren't just to impress or please others. So let's start an evolution. So let's say it's an evolution. Well, I'll assume that you said it and you're with me, as well as thousands of others it's time to heal.

Speaker 1:

This is the season of restoration and healing. I know we may feel unworthy of God's forgiveness, his grace and mercy, but he has a plan for each of us and no matter what you've been through, he will still use you for His glory. Remember it's His plan and His divine timing. If things don't go your way, you know what? Know that God has something better. So don't give up. I will be sharing secrets of my soul with you in hopes that you will uncover the mask that you currently possess and open up to share your own stories, your own personal stories or testimonies, in order to set yourself free free of the very thing that holds many of us back from our purpose and that is fear. Fear of people judging you, fear of starting a business, fear of writing that book, fear of success, fear of love, fear of unpacking the traumas, even from childhood, fear of just being naked and vulnerable in front of the world. Fear is the number one thing that holds us back from our purpose, and the very reason that we are here on this earth is purpose.

Speaker 1:

When I was younger, I was fearless and I lived on my own terms and I wasn't afraid of anything until I got older, probably because I had so much more to lose. But I let the enemy talk me out of things behind fear. But after my last divorce, I decided to take time for me and go through the healing process and unpack those things, and I finally decided to stop ignoring God's call. God said that it was time to transform into the person that he needed me to be. Playtime and people pleasing was over. It was time to stop running and answer his call, and it's also time for you to stop running as well.

Speaker 1:

Look, if I'm being honest, I feel like what can I do? I'm no one special, but he sends wounded people to me, even animals, because I have this gift. Strangers will share their deepest stories with me, and God will always give me something profound to say to them and encourage them. He also replayed all of the things that he brought me through. There were times that I knew I should have been dead, but he kept me for a reason, and I believe that their reason is to share my stories and what lessons I got out of them. With the devil meant for my bad, god made it good All my life. Demons and devils have tried to take me out, but here I am and here I stand, just one of God's miracles. Even in the middle of the storm, I danced and laughed through it, refusing to lay down and die. My name, y'all, should have really been victory. Victory is an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle or game or any other competition, but if you look back at all of the things that you've been through, I'm sure that you could say your name should have been victory, or victory too.

Speaker 1:

There is so much that we can learn from looking at someone else's life without judgy eyes. Either we want to emulate their life or we don't want those situations for our lives. One way or another, it helps us choose what life we want to live and whether it's positive or negative. You have free will. My mission here is to help as many people as I can to blossom into the best version of themselves. Our episodes will motivate, educate so you can elevate. I would love for us to heal the past so that we can all walk into our future better and stronger than ever. I'm sharing the mess so that I can bring out the best. There are layers to all of us, so let's peel back these layers and get our healing groove.

Speaker 1:

On y'all. We will have different topics every week, co-host or guest on from time to time, we will have giveaways and so much more, but what's most important is that we will be healing together. You are not alone. So, to my women never let anyone dim your light. Shine like the star that you are. To my men stay strong and know that you are loved. To my parents out there the struggle is real. I'm just going to say the struggle is real, but I know firsthand, of course. But you are up for the challenge. It's not easy, but it's definitely going to be worth it in the long run.

Speaker 1:

Stay in there and to everyone change the world and don't let it change you, be your unique, weird, different self. And don't worry about what others' opinions are of you that ain't none of your business. That is their issue. Because I believe that your haters are definitely motivators. I love to prove the haters wrong by never stopping. Thank you for listening.

Speaker 1:

Before I close out, I would like to leave you with these words First, corinthians, 13, 4 through 8. Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy or boast, it is not proud, it does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres, and with rejoices with the truth. That's what we're going to do on here. We're going to tell the truth so that we can heal and set ourselves free.

Speaker 1:

Guys, we will air episodes every Monday morning to start your week off right with some laughs, some truths and some lessons. So tune in next week for Free Concepts' first episode, y'all Woo, and our topic will be church hurts. If you have any comments or if you want to write in, please email us at freeconceptspodcastsatgmailcom. Again, that is Free Concepts with an S Podcastsatgmailcom. Thank you so much again. I appreciate your time with me. You could have been anywhere else, but you chose to listen to me and be kind to others. Show them some grace, the same grace that God gives us. Happy Monday. Have a blessed rest of your week. Peace and love.

Transforming Lives Through Personal Storytelling
Free Concepts Podcast